Using current literature, complete “Case 18-10, Antelope Run Inc” that is attached.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Using current literature, complete “Case 18-10, Antelope Run Inc” that is attached. Here are the specific questions that need to be answered:
1. Evaluate the sufficiency of audit documentation, improvements to audit documentation, and key considerations for each of the following components of the audit documentation performed by the engagement team:
• Component A — Control Descriiption
• Component B — Test of Design
• Component C — Evaluation of Design
• Component D — Test of Operating Effectiveness
2. What are your observations regarding the sufficiency of the audit documentation?
3. What specific improvements would you make to the audit documentation?
4. What are some key points to remember when performing and documenting control procedures specific to each component
5. What are the ethical issues that need to be considered? (this question is in addition to the ones at the end of the case)
Use the Case Study Guidelines under the “Getting Started” tab as a guide on writing this. Your paper should be a minimum of 3 pages (not including the cover sheet and references) and follow APA guidelines.

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