Using this model, explain the driving forces behind China’s rapid growth rate over the past 2 decades.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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The discussion questions are as follows:
China’s outlook for the future
Provide a 2-sentence statement of the Solow growth model. Using this model, explain the driving forces behind China’s rapid growth rate over the past 2 decades.
According to the article by David Dollar, which of these previous sources of growth present challenges going forward?
How does he propose they deal with these challenges?
Present 2021 data from the assigned sources to illustrate the composition of the Chinese and US economies in terms of the percentages of GDP attributed to each of the main components: C, I, G, (X-M).
-Explain briefly why they differ.
3. How does the current composition of the Chinese GDP in terms of the shares that are attributed to C, I, G, and (X-M) reflect their previous growth strategy? How is this composition likely to change in the future?

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