Was the Big Dig Megaproject governed as a project, program, or portfolio?

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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The Greiman and Sclar Journal article titled Mega Infrastructure as a Dynamic Ecosystem provides a brief overview of the building of the Interstate Highway System in America and the building of the Big Dig as one part of the Interstate System. The case highlights the holistic view of megaprojects with all their strengths and challenges. This week as you begin to study the differences between project, program and portfolio governance as reflected in your readings respond to the following questions:
1. Was the Interstate Highway System an example of a project, program, or portfolio governance structure? Explain the differences among the three keeping in mind that projects, programs, and portfolios are all governed very differently.
2. Was the Big Dig Megaproject governed as a project, program, or portfolio? Explain why by including the major characteristics of the governance system used on the Big Dig? (See Chapter 4: Megaproject Management).
3. What is the relationship between the required governance resources and processes and the complexity of programs and projects? (See the PMI Guide on Governance of Projects, Programs and Portfolios, chapter 1)
Please have a clear paragraph structure and use each question as subtitles.

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