Week 7 Foundations Assignment 8002

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Week 7 Foundations Assignment 8002
The DNP-Prepared Nurse and Their Community
Vaccine and immunization legislation.
Nutritional assistance programs for school youths.
Diabetes education for elderly outpatients in a community health clinic.
Reducing the number of re-admits of patients who have had outpatient procedures.
Reducing the number of patient falls on a medical/surgical hospital floor.
These represent a few community and organizational needs, challenges, and issues that may require and merit the advocacy, skill set, and knowledge of the DNP-prepared nurse. In your role as a DNP-prepared nurse, you may find yourself the champion and advocate for improved health outcomes both at a local and individual patient level to one of a national or global and population-based level. The DNP-prepared nurse is well poised to address and advocate changes not only in a healthcare setting but in a community context to promote positive social change and positive health-based outcomes.
For this Discussion, reflect on those needs, challenges, and issues that may be most important for your community or organization. Why do these needs, challenges, and issues merit the attention of a DNP-prepared nurse?
To prepare:
• Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider those local issues/topics that are most important for your community or organization. Find articles about your community or organization that reflect the need for intervention by a doctorally prepared nurse.
• Reflect on why these local issues/topics merit addressing from your perspective as a DNP-prepared nurse.
• Reflect on your role as the DNP-prepared nurse to address these local issues/topics and consider what type of practice changes or interventions you might recommend to bring about needed change for your community or organization.
Assignment- Blog
Post a response to your Blog in which you describe at least two of the most important needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Why are these needs/challenges/issues important? Be specific. Then, recommend at least two practice changes or interventions you would suggest to address these needs/challenges/issues in your community or organization. Be sure to align your role as the DNP-prepared nurse to the competencies identified in the AACN Essentials.
Required readings 8002

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