What are some specific reasons leaders need to be aware of their mental models?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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How do you feel about developing the emotional qualities of yourself and other people in an organization as a way to be an effective leader?
To develop emotional qualities, I must understand all my emotions, how they worked on me, in what circumstances these emotions were trigged, how I handled them, and the results after I dealt with them. It is said that emotions are contagious. According to Daft (2018, p.148) “emotional state of the leader influences the entire team, department, or organization.” As a leader, I would have to manage and balance my emotions. Recognize and use those emotions that have worked and positively impacted me and responded satisfactorily to my actions. If my emotions are well-managed as a constant behavior, other people will notice them and imitate them unconsciously. It is known that emotions influence performance, and as a leader, I would have to identify and analyze each team member’s emotions and performances individually. Knowing what drives them emotionally through their strengths and weaknesses and communication abilities. By taking this action, I would be able to empathize and build a strong relationship, adjust positively to changes as necessary, and thus instill an understanding of emotions in the organization.
Do you agree that people have a capacity for developing their minds and hearts beyond their current competency? Can you give an example?
Yes, I agree, but an event must change the priority to move forward to a specific purpose. We all have the capacity to learn and gain experience. Sometimes emotions are involved in the state of learning, setting boundaries, and building confidence; thus, it will motivate people to step out of the box to reach goals when they could be challenging to achieve. For example, if two soccer teams in a final match, the home team has the advantage, and the visitor team never won a title, players from both teams have the chance to win the cup. All players will put their minds and hearts into outperforming their standard competency to win the game.
What are some specific reasons leaders need to be aware of their mental models?
    Mental models help leaders to understand how all different pieces of elements work together in an organizational system; thus, they can find the results wanted. There is no rule to define a model just; it is a representation of reality, an interpretation, a perception, a reflection, a judgment, a forecast, and the interaction with elements. The reality is based on what a leader experiences over time, beliefs, and ideas; thus, leaders start picking up specifics and forming their mental model until becoming a sole concept. According to Senge (1992), “Why do mental models so powerfully affect what we do? In part, this is because they affect what we see. Two people with different mental models can observe the same event and describe it differently.
Write 200 words of your reflection on this work? (need to be in first person)  

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