What are some unique marketing tactics that this company could use to make the launch of their delivery service successful?

Posted: July 5th, 2022

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Step #1 read chapters 12, 13, and 14. Step #2 Then develop an intriguing curiosity question and a response to ask other classmates. This assignment allows you to ask a question related to your course material that you’re genuinely curious about. We encourage all students to explore the connections between the subject matter and the real world in order to come to a deeper understanding of the content. What Does an Approved Question Look Like? Make it open-ended Ask questions that have many possible answers. Try asking questions that do not have a single accepted “right” answer. Try asking questions that prompt your classmates to think about how what is being learned in class could be applied to solve real-world problems. Make it specific The more specific your question is, the better the responses will be! If you ask “How should a company market themselves?”, you’ll receive very general answers. Instead, try presenting a specific scenario like, “Imagine you run a 20-person family-run pizza shop in a suburb of Detroit that is just starting to introduce delivery. What are some unique marketing tactics that this company could use to make the launch of their delivery service successful?”. Make connections To really take it to the next level, try asking questions that make connections between two (or more) of your classes. The possibilities are endless, just think big, open your mind, and be fearless. This is called Combinatorial Thinking. This type of thought process has been cited as one of the biggest drivers of innovation; taking the knowledge from one industry, and applying it to another industry in unexpected, revolutionary ways. The starting point for these discussions comes with a great leading question and a thoughtful response! In our class, I require at least one academic or reputable source that uses verified data for the question. For example, use a current news story. A good reputable source to use is www.texastribune.org or Ebook source.

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