What are the advantages and disadvantages of elementary school students using personal laptops.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Research Proposal: Title: Technology in the classroom-helpful or harmful? Over the years technology has been introduced and incorporated not only into society and our daily lives, but into our school systems as well. Students have traded in pencil and paper for personal laptops-even in Elementary School. Although technology in the classroom was introduced as a positive, I feel as if it has had some harmful results like a decline in social skills, attention, and handwriting. Now, this question is not debating the advantages it poses for teachers, but the disadvantages for students as well as the advantages. Two research questions I would propose for this would be: 1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of elementary school students using personal laptops. 2) What are the effects on elementary students learning when using personal laptops instead of the traditional learning materials.

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