What are the costs and benefits of your potential action plans?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a developmental economics question and need support to help me learn.The phone rings at 5:07 p.m., and you see from the caller ID that it is Will Pawgg.Will tells you that a major grant foundations just placed your community on its watch list. The council wants this project to help meet the foundation’s standards for better community living and a representative has offered to match the city council prize for the winning entry! Will thinks your project is great and could be a winner. You need to submit your potential action plans with the costs and benefits for each as soon as possible to help with the foundation’s information request. His advice is to put in as much detail as you can to impress them! You thank Will and get to work. You want that $40,000!Part One: ConsiderConsider all possible action plans and solutions to the issue you are researching. Ask what your community can do to address the issue you have chosen. What can you personally do? Are there multiple perspectives on the best way to address the problem? Conduct research in your local community to answer these questions.Part Two: AnalyzeConsider the consequences each potential solution may have on all levels of your local economy. What are the costs and benefits of your potential action plans? What are the externalities, both positive and negative, of your chosen solutions?
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