What are the holes in the sanctions wall exploited by Russia?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Read the article from NPR Planet Money, Apr 5, 2022, source1: How Russia rescued the ruble
Focus the discussion post on the actions taken by Russia to ‘rescue’ the ruble and stop its free fall.
1. What are the external and internal actions taken by Russia to prevent sanctions from achieving the desired objectives?
2. What are the holes in the sanctions wall exploited by Russia?
3. Are they sustainable options for the country?
End the post with a question?
source2: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/23/russias-ruble-is-at-strongest-level-in-7-years-despite-sanctions.html
You may also want to reference Chapters 9,10,13 of Hill’s Global Business Today.

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