What are the possible purposes of the Addlington Gallery of Art?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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discussion 1: Addlington Gallery of Art 1. What are the possible purposes of the Addlington Gallery of Art? Which purpose would you choose for the museum? 2. What are the implications of the selected purpose and customers for the museum’s structural design, the qualifications of its director, and its relationship to the university? discussion 2: Holtzclaw Supermarkets 1. In general, how did Holtzclaw’s first organizational structure lead to the dissatisfaction of store mangers, poor coordination and slow adaptation to change? 2. How would the proposed reorganization address the problems in question 1? 3. What disadvantages might emerge over time with the proposed reorganization? discussion 3: Farrington Medical Devices 1. How would you describe the management processes within Caresource versus Quest? 2. Which organizational design (Caresource versus Quest) was more appropriate for a competitive and changing technological environment? Why? i can send pictures of the case studies. send me a message if needed.

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