What are the potential risks associated to the company’s operations?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.In your discussion of financial and security analysis, follow this format: about micosoft1. What is the trend of the ratio (cite specific numbers and refer to the relevant graph.) and why is it changing?2. How does the ratio compare to the industry average (cite industry numbers)?3. What are the potential risks associated to the company’s operations? What are the advantagescompared to similar firms?4. Please insert carefully prepared tables and charts in your report to help illustrate your analysis.5. You can include the calculation of the ratios and other financial variables in the Appendix tokeep the analytical report succinct.6. Avoid subjective statements, opinions and self-references (me, myself, and I). This is a technicalreport.Requirements: file | .doc file
Requirements: Complete Requirements   |   .doc file

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