What are the pros and cons of DNA sweeps?

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Chapter 5
What are the pros and cons of DNA sweeps? Have students consider the potential utility of DNA sweeps and determine if they would submit to a DNA swab.
Given the limited impact of the exclusionary rule on crime fighting and Miranda on conviction rates, what purposes do they serve?
Chapter 6
In order to demonstrate rational choice and the limited effect of deterrence, come up with a list of costs and consequences as to why college students may engage in binge drinking. If formal college policies do not deter, what may serve as a better deterrent?
Debate the deterrent effect of death penalty. Students should interview 3-5 people to determine the reasons individuals provide to support or decry the deterrent effect. For those interviewees who support the death penalty, students should point out the proposition that the death penalty has no deterrent effect and note the response and reaction of the individual.
Discuss the impact of S.A.D.D. and alcohol-awareness activities on campus. Do the initiatives deter excessive drinking and impaired/drunk driving or promote the use of alcohol? What might help decrease impaired/drunk driving among college students?
Chapter 7
If selective incapacitation and gross incapacitation do not reduce serious crimes, what actions can be taken to decrease such crimes? Is it necessarily CJ factors and answers that can help? Are there other social institutions that can impact the crime rate? How so?
While the text provides some examples, a fundamental question should surround how incarcerations impact families and communities. Discussion should encompass personal responsibilities and economics.
Chapter 8
Determine if there are special courts that handle certain cases (i.e., drug, domestic violence, mental health, etc) locally. Determine if specialty units, even when faced with the evidence in the text, can provide more for the victim and/or offender and provide support for their stance.
debate the use of mental institutions or prisons/jails as confinement facilities for those who have mental health issues. Where do students believe those persons should carry out their criminal sentence? Why?
As both banning plea bargains and reforming plea negotiations result in speed and efficiency of cases, which option is more fiscally responsible? Support should be provided.
Given the finality of the death penalty, should those persons on death row be allowed to exhaust all possible appeals or should they be limited in the number of appeals to file? support your opinion (e.g., economics, time and effort of the courts, attempt to decrease frivolousness, the majority are guilty – factually and legally, etc). If applicable, determine the state’s stance on death row appeals.

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