What are the qualities that set this leader apart?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Submit a reflective discussion post in which you describe the best leader you’ve ever known. What are the qualities that set this leader apart? Draw on the content you read in the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and that found in Simon Sinek’s TedX talk—Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe. Be sure to quote or refer to BOTH explicitly (e.g. “As noted in Sinek’s TED talk,…” as this discussion is looking at how you are applying these principles to your best leader. Plus, that shows your professor that you are reading, watching, and digesting the course material.
Consider the following as you reflect on the best leader you’ve ever known, and incorporate in your response, your understanding of Sinek’s statements about why it is important that leaders are trusted within their organizations and that they must lead by the heart.
Your initial discussion post should be a minimum of 150-200 words and should draw on personal experiences that relate to the ideas and context of the reading and video material. 
For your discussions in this course, please ensure you copy & paste your text into the post rather than attaching a document. It makes it easier for your colleagues to read and you are more likely to get a response from your classmates. If you would prefer, you may submit an embedded video or audio recording where you discuss the same in lieu of a written discussion response. 
In addition to your own posting, please reply to the posts of a minimum of TWO classmates. Your two response posts to two different classmates’ initial posts should be substantive. 
[* a “substantial response” literally means a “response with substance.”  Move beyond “like” or “I agree” posts and aim to move the conversation forward.  Consider asking a question or adding to the conversation.  Only substantial responses receive full credit for participation.

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