What are the steps or components of the chosen SSL/TLS attack?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are two cryptographic security protocols used for Internet security; however, since their inception in the early 1990s, SSL and TLS have been vulnerable to various attacks. For this activity, you will analyze SSL and TLS attack vectors.
Begin by reading the following:
Commonly reported SSL/TLS vulnerabilities: https://bughunters.google.com/learn/invalid-reports/network-protocols/6114200428216320/commonly-reported-ssl-tls-vulnerabilities
Attack vectors against TLS, implementation bugs, and how to mitigate TLS vulnerabilities in NGINX: https://www.cloudinsidr.com/content/known-attack-vectors-against-tls-implementation-vulnerabilities/
SSL/TLS Vulnerabilities Leave Room for Security Breaches:

SSL/TLS Vulnerabilities Leave Room for Security Breaches

TLS Security 6: Examples of TLS Vulnerabilities and Attacks:
Next, submit a 1 to 2-page paper discussing the following:
What are the steps or components of the chosen SSL/TLS attack?
What are the vulnerabilities this attack exploits?
List the necessary measures to patch the vulnerable server.

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