What are your wishes about organ donation or donating your body for research?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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The Discussion for This Week
Your assignment, a written draft of substantial paragraphs should be as you would have it for your family to use if you are unable to speak for yourself.
To help you get started: https://youtu.be/xy-JTh1Vo8o
Sample forms for Advance Directives and durable Powers of Attorney are obtained through local and state health departments to get you started:
State-by-State Advance Directive Forms – AARP
Seven Ponds After Death Planning Guide
Types of Advance Directives – American Cancer Society
The Last Word – The Hospice Heart
Before you submit your response, be sure you have included answers to these five points:
In your Advance Directive, you are to convey your wishes about prolonging life or not. Comment on your personal, conceptual, or moral perspective on this issue. State your decisions regarding DNR, life support, and tube feeding.
Designate a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Who would it be and why?
What are your wishes about organ donation or donating your body for research?
Identify any cultural perspective associated with your decisions.
Do all of this seriously and, when finished, describe the thoughts and/or emotions that this assignment elicits in you. Also let us know if this was difficult for you to think about or if it felt comfortable to begin getting your affairs in order. You, of course, want to review your draft and finalize your wishes with and give copies to appropriate family members, medical doctors, and clergy or spiritual adviser.
An excellent response will be at least 1-2 pages in length, using complete sentences and concise language. Please review published peer-reviewed articles (from the Library website) (see syllabus for details) and include citations and references in all post responses.

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