What can you envision or conclude about potential outcomes for recent movements today?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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The reflective analysis paper should accurately paraphrase, synthesize, and cite in-text at least 3 of the Module 3 required academic readings as you reflect on the essay prompt and what you have learned from the readings.
Your readings this week use the Civil Rights Movement activities as examples, which is quite relevant to today. Think about a recent social movement such as Black Lives Matter (or another movement of your choice) and how it has gained momentum.
In over 500 words (and no more than 1000), write a response to the following questions, reflecting on and synthesizing (paraphrase and cite) information from the required readings this week.
How do recent uprisings fit with the concepts from the required readings such as social movement framing processes, social ties, and resource mobilization?
Based on what you have learned in the readings this week, such as what was learned from the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, what can you envision or conclude about potential outcomes for recent movements today?
Please use 7th Generation APA in-text citation. Please use several in-text citation from at least 3 of the articles

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