What countries have this technology and how great is the risk of terrorists obtaining these materials?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Using acceptable Internet sites, research nuclear power dangers in the United States and around the world and answer the following questions:in  500 words
The nuclear industry has not found a solution for radioactive waste. In 1982 the government began construction of the Yucca Mountain waste site in Nevada, but the start of operations has been postponed from 1992 to 2020. What safety and health problems are associated with storing radioactive waste in deep geological repositorites?
Natural disasters present significant risks for nuclear power plants. Considering all the possible natural disasters from flooding to tornadoes, evaluate the risks of nuclear disaster from America’s aging nuclear plants? How do we mitigate these risks?
One of the fundamental problems of nuclear power is that the enriched uranium that it burns and the plutonium it produces can be used to make nuclear weapons. Many countries without nuclear weapons have access to the technology and materials to develop nuclear bombs. What countries have this technology and how great is the risk of terrorists obtaining these materials?
How great is the danger of America’s nuclear facilities being targets for terrorist groups and what is being done to ensure the safety of our nuclear power plants?

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