What criteria will be used to judge program performance or counseling intervention?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Instructions Program evaluation is an essential function of counselors. In fact, program evaluation is the primary form of research in which most counselors engage. Program evaluation is one way that counselors can systematically evaluate the programs and interventions for effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction. Part 1 (due in Module 4): Review Community Tool Box (2018). Section 1. A framework for program evaluation: A gateway to tools (Links to an external site provided .). Choose a program for which you have volunteered, worked, or participated or a counseling intervention. You may select any program related to mental health, education, or wellness. ( you can choose i will get clarity) Others program areas will require pre-approval from the faculty member. Respond to the following questions in an APA formatted response (please note that setting up your APA format correctly is part of this assessment; hence, the reason there is no template for this assignment): 1. What program or counseling intervention will be evaluated? 2.What is the rationale for selecting this program or counseling intervention? 3.What criteria will be used to judge program performance or counseling intervention? 4.What standards of performance on the criteria must be reached for the program or counseling intervention to be considered successful? 5.What evidence will indicate performance on the criteria relative to the standards? 6.What conclusions about program performance or counseling intervention effectiveness are justified based on the available evidence? (Tip: literature review)

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