What different circumstances in Changez’s life transform him from a proponent of the American Dream to a skeptic?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Topic: Consider what you learn about Changez as he describes his upwardly mobile life in New York City and then his decision to quit Underwood and move back to Lahore, Pakistan. In light of his revelations, answer the prompt below:
What different circumstances in Changez’s life transform him from a proponent of the American Dream to a skeptic?
The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:
* two pages or about 500 words
* three to four paragraphs, including a brief introduction and conclusion
* the introduction should include the full title of the novel and the author’s full name
* the thesis (last sentence of the introduction) should respond to the prompt in bold above
* body paragraphs should include direct and indirect quotations from the novel to support your analysis (use quotes from websites linked below pls)
Different Circumstances to use in essay
RELATIONSHIP WITH ERICA- The name Erica is the last five letters of America and while I don’t think she’s a complete representative of America, I do however believe she is Changez’s American dream. When he first meets Erica he is completely enamored with her. On the surface she’s perfect-fun loving, intelligent and beautiful but underneath that she’s not what he thinks she is which leads him to grow bitter. This is symbolic of his relationship with America. When he first arrived he fell head over heels in love with the country until 9/11 when he experienced extreme racism and discrimination. Changez grows resentful and realizes America wasn’t what he once believed it to be just like his relationship with Erica. 
9/11 Twin Towers falling- Getting racially discriminated against
Working at Underwood Samson- falling into capitalist America and realizing it’s not what it seems- values getting money no matter the cost
Please use these links to read about the novel and analysis

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