What does the term “interdisciplinary” research mean?

Posted: June 30th, 2022

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post with a minimum of 250 words must contain at least (2) professional references, cited correctly in the current APA format. Ask 2 provocative questions to prompt online discussion with your peers using bold print at the end of your initial discussion.
Explore the 2012-2017 strategic plan of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) @ http://www.niehs.nih.gov/about/strategicplan/strategicplan2012_508.pdf. (Links to an external site.)
What are the institute’s mission and vision? How did the institute develop its strategic plan? (p. 16).
Identify the institute’s seven themes for research and exploration.
How did the institute determine the themes?
Which theme area seems of greatest priority?
What does the term “interdisciplinary” research mean? Who might be involved?

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