What economic factors are at play in our system of mass incarceration?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Link: https://tubitv.com/movies/372320/the_house_i_live_in (Links to an external site.)
The site tubitv.com does make you register for the site for free.  You can connect to your Facebook account, but if you don’t want to register, you can find the documentary on a number of different sites (it is off Neflix streaming) here http://www.thehouseilivein.org/see-the-film/watch-the-film/ (Links to an external site.)
The documentary The House I live In showed footage of politicians speaking in favor of harsher drug legislation, even though evidence suggests that harsh laws don’t help the problem. Why are politicians supporting laws that don’t work? What economic factors are at play in our system of mass incarceration? Consider the scene where Dr. Gabor Mate, the addiction expert, argues that maybe these policies are working after all, but their goals are different than the goals that they state publicly. What  is your reaction to that argument?

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