What effects can personal bias and beliefs have on a quality improvement project?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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I need the following assignments with each DQ in 250 words. All references must be in the last 5 years. Also avoid plagiarism  
DQ 1
Imagine that the health care organization where you work was in the process of enacting a new clinical practice. As a DNP-prepared nurse, what would your role be in facilitating the translation from research into clinical practice? How would your educational and clinical background influence or affect the outcomes of this clinical practice implementation? How would outcomes be different had there not been a DNP-prepared nurse leading the translation into practice?
DQ 2
Review the “Levels of Evidence in Research” document located in the Class Resources. Refer to this resource as needed throughout the course.
Why is it important to use research that has a high level of evidence when applying research to practice? Search for a primary quantitative research article for the intervention for your proposed DPI Project. Explain how this article meets the required evidence level required for a primary research article.
Evidence-Based Guidelines
Read the following webpage and explore the website for evidence-based guidelines and related resources:
Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation Research. (2019). Evidence-based guidelines.
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice
Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/9781496386892/epub/OEBPS/xhtml/09_contents.html#page_xix
Advancing Scholarship Through Translational Research: The Role of PhD and DNP Prepared Nurses
Read: Trautman, D. E., Idzik, S., Hammersla, M., & Rosseter, R. (2018). Advancing scholarship through translational research: The role of PhD and DNP prepared nurses. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(2), 1.
DNP Projects: Spotlight on Practice. Educational Interventions to Increase Tdap Vaccination Rates Among Pregnant Women
Read: McAlister, C., Moore Wurttemberg, G., Dunn, D., & Smith, T. (2019). DNP projects: Spotlight on practice. 
Findings From a Pilot Study: Bringing Evidence-Based Practice to the Bedside
Read: Friesen, M. A., Brady, J. M., Milligan, R., & Christensen, P. (2017). Findings from a pilot study: Bringing evidence-based practice to the bedside. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 22-34.
Implementation: The Linchpin of Evidence-Based Practice Changes
Read: Tucker, S. (2019). Implementation: The linchpin of evidence-based practice changes. American Nurse Today, 14(3), 8-13…
The History of Evidence-Based Practice
Read: Dillard, D. M. (2017). The history of evidence-based practice. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 32(2), 7-10.
DQ 1
Review the article “Translating Research for Evidence-Based Practice,” provided in the topic Resources. Then answer the following questions in your initial post. 
Find a research article that supports the intervention of your project. Determine if the article is peer-reviewed or if this a practice-based publication that offers expert opinions. Explain. 
What type of research was conducted? Where does it fall on the hierarchy of research designs? (Refer to Figure 1 in “Translating Research for Evidence-Based Practice”). What possible sources of bias are present in the study?.
DQ 2
What effects can personal bias and beliefs have on a quality improvement project? Describe secondary research and possible sources of bias. What are some useful strategies to recognize bias? Support your response with relevant literature. 
Evidence-Based Practice in the United States: Challenges, Progress, and Future Directions
Read: Correa-de-Araujo, R. (2016). Evidence-based practice in the United States: Challenges, progress, and future directions. Health Care for Women International, 37(1), 2-22.
Focusing on the Fundamentals: Reading Quantitative Research With a Critical Eye
Read: Astroth, K. S., & Chung, S. Y. (2018). Focusing on the fundamentals: Reading quantitative research with a critical eye. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 45(3), 283-286.
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice
Read Chapters 5 and 13 in Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice.
Translating Research for Evidence-Based Practice
Read: Bowen, D. M., & Forrest, J. L. (2017, January). Translating research for evidence-based practice. Access, 10-14.
A Guide to Concept Analysis
Read: Foley, A. S., & Davis, A. H. (2017). A guide to concept analysis. Clinical Nurse Specialist: The Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 31(2), 70-73.
DQ 1
Using “Levels of Evidence in Research,” located in the Class Resources, identify two primary research articles that support the proposed intervention for your DPI Project. Explain why these research articles are considered primary research articles with a high level of evidence and how the support your proposed intervention..
DQ 2
Compare practice-based evidence, research, and evidence-based practice and discuss how all three complement and support one another. Use examples and relevant literature to support your response.
DQ 1
Compare validity and reliability and explain why measurement tools used for your DPI Project need to be valid and reliable. How do primary quantitative research studies do this? Discuss one of the primary research articles you identified, the methods, sample, and research design of which resulted in strong validity and reliability. Explain how these will ensure the quality of data, and how you measure it, for your DPI Project.
DQ 2
Compare and contrast qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method research. What are the differences in approaches? Reflect on the “Level of Evidence Plus Critical Appraisal of Its Quality Yields Confidence to Implement Evidence-Based Practice Changes” editorial article, located in the topic Resources. Which levels and criteria would be most appropriate when choosing primary research for a literature review? What are important criteria to consider to support your evidence-based project intervention?
DQ 1
Compare statistical and clinical significance. Explain why a project or practice outcome may not yield statistical significance but can still have clinical significance. When can a project’s outcomes be deemed “successful” by only using clinical significance as a measure? Provided examples from current research.
DQ 2
How does the incorporation of evidence-based practice competencies lead to higher quality health care and better outcomes for population health? How do you suggest these types of competencies be assessed? How can clinician and patient outcomes serve as an indicator of successful competency implementation? Provide examples and support your response with relevant literature.
DQ 1
What effect does a meta-synthesis or meta-analysis have on research translation? Describe a clinical practice in place that is supported by this level of evidence. Provide relevant literature to support your response.
DQ 2
The three main components of evidence-based practice are clinical expertise, best evidence, and patient preference. However, patient preference and clinical expertise are often at odds with each other. Provide an example of an instance in which you would need to mediate this issue and what interprofessional collaboration might be needed. Explain how you would handle the situation. Provide relevant literature to support your response.
DQ 1.
What is the ultimate goal of evidence-based practice? What are some strategies health care organizations can employ to better promote a culture of evidence-based practice? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.
DQ 2
What are some reasons why evidence-based approaches might not yet be standard practice for certain sectors of the health care industry? What do you suggest for overcoming these barriers to achieve a widespread and universal evidence-based culture? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.
DQ 1
Explain why the change model you selected for the DPI Project is best for implementing your proposed intervention.
DQ 2
Evaluate evidence-based methods for implementing and sustaining an evidence-based culture. Describe two and discuss role of the DNP-prepared nurse within this type of culture. Provide two examples.

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