What elements are required for a successful negligence case?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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***My apologies for the short notice, I`m a bit over-extended at the moment, thank you*** This is for a paralegal course.
Find a negligence case somehow involving food. Tell us about it – who won? Why? What was the negligence analysis?
For example, there are many cases in which restaurant customers found shells or even pearls in their shellfish that was supposed to not contain pieces of shell. There are also hot coffee cases, weird things in cans cases, and a lot of other interesting cases.
Remember to address:
– What elements are required for a successful negligence case?
– Does the case you found meet these requirements or not?
– What kind of business structure did the restaurant or food supplier have (e.g., partnership, corporation)?
– Do you think that the restaurant’s (or food supplier’s) business structure affected how the restaurant dealt with the legal challenges raised in the case that you found? How?

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