What factors personally and culturally impact where you are in your 20s and later?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Instructions Let’s Begin… Clinical psychologist Meg Jay has a bold message for twentysomethings: Contrary to popular belief, your 20s are not a throwaway decade. In this provocative talk, Jay says that just because marriage, work and kids are happening later in life, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning now. She gives 3 pieces of advice for how twentysomethings can re-claim adulthood in the defining decade of their lives.
1. Why does Meg Jay call your 20s the defining decade of your lifetime?
2. What three pieces of advice does Meg Jay give for how twentysomethings can re-claim adulthood?
3. Meg Jay calls on 20 somethings to take charge of their lives and reclaim their adulthood.
4. Do you believe your 20s are the “defining decade?” Or, might it be your 30s or 40s?
5. What about what Dr. Jeffrey Arnett describes as “emerging adulthood?”
6. What factors personally and culturally impact where you are in your 20s and later?

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