What is a main difference between these theoretical orientations?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Discussion: Biological and Evolutionary and Integrative Personality Theories
Based on your readings for this Week, access the Personality Theory Matrix and complete the requested information in Column G section for Biological and Evolutionary Theory and Column H section for Integrative Theory. You can use this information to support your Discussion post and response this week. 
Note: Continue to populate the Personality Theory Matrix spreadsheet you began in Week 2 to guide your learning about personality theories for your Module Assessment and submit it in Week 8 as part of your Module Assessment.
To Prepare
Review the Learning Resources, focusing on theorists, cultural considerations, assessments/interventions, limitations, and unique aspects of both psychoanalytic theory and trait theory.
By Day 4
Post one key idea from the biological or evolutionary theoretical orientation and one from the integrative theoretical orientation. What is a main difference between these theoretical orientations? What is similar between these theories?  Which one do you more closely align with?

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