What is the author’s central argument?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Headings: The paper’s headings, indicating each section of the analysis, must be clearly presented in bold font, like in the example. Failure to use the appropriate headings may result in a zero. Formatting: Your work should use one-inch margins. The body of the text should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12 PT. Footnotes (if used) should be single spaced in Times New Roman 10 PT. The works cited section should be single spaced in Times New Roman 12 PT. You must include page numbers in the upper right-hand corner. Failure to use the proper formatting may result in a deduction of ten points. In extreme cases, improperly formatted documents may receive a score of zero. If you do not know how to change the default formatting, ask for help. Citations: The work should cite their sources with MLA style parenthetical citations and a works cited section at the end. Any student who fails to cite the document and at least one additional peer reviewed resource with in text parenthetical citations and a works cited section may suffer a ten point reduction in grade. Research: This is a scholarly endeavor, and you should only use peer reviewed journal research in the thesis assessment section. Any student in need of research help should contact the instructor for assistance. Helpful peer reviewed articles may be found at the following databases.
1.ProQuest Central – Available Through the College Library’s Webpage Select the Options for Full Text and Peer Reviewed When Using ProQuest
2. JSTOR – Free JSTOR articles are Available Here https://about.jstor.org/oa-and-free/ Additional JSTOR Articles are Available If You Sign Up for a Free Account
3. Directory of Open Access Journals – https://doaj.org/ Click the Option for Articles When You Search DOAJ
4. The Encyclopedia of North Carolina – https://www.ncpedia.org/
Quotes: You may not use any quotes in the analysis – not even from the document. No quotation marks should appear anywhere in the document, other than in the citations. Any analysis containing a quote, will receive a ten point reduction in grade. In extreme cases, excessive quotations may result in a score of zero. Length: Papers will not exceed three pages of analysis. Students may list their works cited on a fourth page, but nothing else. Anything over this length will not be read or graded. Writing Mechanics: Your work should follow standard rules of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation. “Do Medical Marijuana Laws Increase Hard-Drug Use?” The Journal of Law & Economics 58, no. 2 (2015): 481-517. Accessed August 8, 2021. doi:10.1086/684043. Hogler, Raymond L. 2017. 1. Thesis What is the author’s central argument?
Provide their argument in your own words in one sentence. The argument will be a statement that a reasonable person could agree or disagree with.
The author may (but will not always) use words such as argue, claim, demonstrate, or prove to highlight their central thesis. 25
2. Evidence What specific evidence did the author(s) used to support their thesis? This should not be a summary of the article. It should be a list of at least three specific facts the author used to support their thesis. 5 3.
Author 1. Is the author a trustworthy source for this article? (Yes or No)
2. Provide evidence in support of your response.
3. Cite your source of information on the author with a complete parenthetical citation and a listing in the works cited section. Information on authors can be found a variety of ways. Some journals include author biographies. A simple internet search can often be helpful. Search for professional pages that might mention the author. Social media pages often provide useful information.
20 4. Strength What is the single greatest strength of this article’s argument?
10 5. Weakness What is the single greatest weakness of this article’s argument?
Thesis Assessment
1. Is the author’s point convincing? (Yes or No)
2. Why or why not?
3. You must support your claim with at least one scholarly source other than the article you are analyzing. The source should be from a peer reviewed journal article. The source should not be by the same author as the article you are analyzing.
4. The research must be supported with a complete parenthetical citation and a listing in the works cited section.

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