What is the Emergency Response Guide 2020 about?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Answer the following questions below and include the URL(s) where you found your answers.
1. Go to Emergency Response Guide 2020 (Links to an external site.), and answer the following questions:
What is the Emergency Response Guide 2020 about?
Who is the intended audience of the Emergency Response Guide 2020?
2. Go to REMM (Links to an external site.), and answer the following questions:What is REMM?
Who are the intended audiences of REMM?
Is REMM available on mobile devices? If so, for what platforms?
3. Go to Disaster Master (Links to an external site.) (a game from Ready.gov). Click on Level 1 – Wildfire to play the first level of the game. Provide your reaction to the game and whether you felt it would be beneficial to teach kids about disasters.
4. Go to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Emergency Preparedness and Response (Links to an external site.). What are some steps you can take to feel better after a traumatic event occurs?
5. Find a mobile application that provides for disaster/emergency information (other than the Red Cross or FEMA). Provide the following:the name of the application
the price of the application
a description of the application
the intended audience of the application
the platform of the application, i.e. Apple, Android
6. Go to Ready. gov (Links to an external site.). What are ways that you can protect yourself from a cyberattack?

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