What kind of production and trade decisions should the country make regarding the export in the future?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Policy Brief Assignment: BOLIVIA IS THE COUNTRY
You are an analyst in your country’s Department of Economics office. You have been tasked with writing a report about the country’s main export and how it impacts current and future standing in the global economy and trade. Each student should report on a different country/good.
The policy brief must include:
Demographic and general economic information about the country – what is the size of the country? Population? Region? Size of the economy?
Background information on its main export – how much is produced, and who are the main consumers?
Factors of Production – is the good a labor or capital intensive good? What factors of production are needed? What is the life cycle of the product?
Trade Instruments – are there any tariffs or quotas imposed on the good in other countries? What are the economic/political justifications for the tariffs/quotas?
Future Trade Activity – what kind of production and trade decisions should the country make regarding the export in the future? Consider global economic and political dynamics.
Size 12 font and 1-inch margins. No more than two pages, single-spaced, not including figures/graphics and references. The brief should be in paragraph form, with the following sections:
Executive Summary
Body (Main text)
Policy Recommendations/Implications
References and Suggested Sources
You must also include boxes and sidebars, tables, photographs, and graphics. The brief should be visually appealing and easy to read.
Possible Data Sources:
Trade Map
World Bank
UN Comtrade
You must cite any data sources, graphics and general information used in the brief using a standard citation format.

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