What services are supported in large part by private health insurance?

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Complete the Module 3 Readings prior to working on this assignment. Document your thoughts as you read. 
Conduct additional research for the following issues. Use the resources at the Franklin University Library (Links to an external site.) to obtain at least three relevant, scholarly sources.

Exhibit 7.9 in Understanding the U.S. Health Services System (4th ed.) by P. L. Barton indicates that sources of funds for select personal health expenditures vary considerably.

What services are supported in large part by private health insurance? By the federal government? By out-of-pocket expenditures?
What do these funding sources suggest about the population utilizing these services? What might they suggest about other populations or system factors?

Total expenditures for health care in 2007 were 83 times the total expenditures for 1960, increasing from $26.9 billion to $2.2 trillion.

What factors contributed to this increase?
How much did each factor contribute to this increase?

Write a three- to four-page paper, in which you address each of the items that you researched. Incorporate your notes from the readings as well.

You must incorporate research into your paper from at least three relevant, scholarly resources.
Follow all applicable APA Guidelines (Links to an external site.) regarding in-text citations, list of cited references, and document formatting for this paper. Failure to properly cite and reference sources constitutes plagiarism.
The title page and reference list are not included in the page count for this paper.

Copy the grading rubric for this assignment and append it to the end of your paper before you submit it for grading.

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