What technologies or infrastructure are necessary for the successful practice of telemedicine?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Telemedicine can be extremely beneficial for people living in isolated regions and is currently being applied in virtually all medical domains. To address major health issues related to affordability, access, and quality of care, healthcare providers need to consider telemedicine as a reliable option when access to traditional medicine is difficult and out of reach. Healthcare providers, however, must consider legal and ethical issues when planning, designing, and implementing telemedicine. Key among these issues is those of patient confidentiality, privacy, data security, and transmission.
How does telemedicine differ from the traditional medicine?
What are other legal or ethical issues involved in telemedicine?
Which of these issues, in your opinion, will be the most difficult to address?
What technologies or infrastructure are necessary for the successful practice of telemedicine?
What obstacles can prevent healthcare providers from seeing telemedicine as a reliable option, even when access to traditional medicine is difficult or out of reach?

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