What type of dissemination makes the most sense to you as a practitioner?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Assignment 3- Research methods relevance Scholars have numerous avenues to disseminate their knowledge and influence practice. In this exercise, you will review and compare some of these avenues. All the articles below have been written by the same authors, aimed at different audiences. 1. Utilizing the included examples of research dissemination by a single author, write a reflection on the different types of research dissemination that are available to scholarly practitioners, from popular articles to peer-reviewed journal articles. 2. What type of dissemination makes the most sense to you as a practitioner? When would a more scholarly method of dissemination make sense for you? NOTE– these readings are provided for you to become familiar with different types of research dissemination based around a topic– the content specifically is irrelevant to this course.

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