What type of internal/external communication do you feel is effective and why?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a communications question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.(A.) Read the chapter 4 (p.210 – 243) of the attached book and answer the chapter’s questions on page 243. There is no length requirement. (B.) Please also simply answer the following questions, times new roman, 12pt, 2 spaced (no more than 2 pages): 1. What is your definition of a “perfect” organization?2. What type of internal/external communication do you feel is effective and why?3. What traditional organizational communication/processes/ideas do you think should be eliminated?4. How would you encourage employee retention and motivation?5. What is something (policy, goals, expectations, external communication, etc.) that you would do differently from other organizations in your same field/space?
Requirements: No specific requirement

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