What was the purpose of the evaluation and who commissioned the study?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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1. What was the purpose of the evaluation and who commissioned the study?
2. What are the questions addressed in the evaluation?
3. Is the evaluation formative or summative? External or Internal?
4. What evaluation approach(es) are used by the evaluators?
5. What conclusions and recommendations do the evaluators make and are they valid/supported based on the design, data collection and results?
6. How useful do you think the evaluation is to administrators and staff?
7. How would you improve the design of the evaluation? Include at least one new/additional evaluation question you would ask.
8. Based on your response to Question #7, complete an evaluation plan similar to those suggested on page 356 of the text.
You should spend the most brain power on #5 thru #8 and as much space as possible on #7. I am most interested in your thoughts and criticism.

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