What were the expected benefits from BPM to help them become more competitive globally?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Analyze how Business Process Management (BPM) can increase competitiveness and collaboration in a global economy. BPM and Global Competitiveness In this Assessment, you will analyze Case 1 from Chapter 28 in your textbook and respond to the questions related to the role of BPM in global competitiveness. Case 1: GACC Case 1 describes a global automotive component company. There were issues that limited the company’s ability to be more competitive in the global marketplace, and they were able to address these through a BPM project. 1. What were the issues they were trying to improve? What were the expected benefits from BPM to help them become more competitive globally? 2. What were some of the risks that could result in the failure of this project? 3. Which of the phases you have learned about do you think would be most critical in ensuring success in this project? Why? Describe 3-5 of the steps in the phase you selected and explain how those steps would mitigate the potential risks for failure. Minimum Submission Requirements ? This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word® (minimum 350 words)

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