What would be the benefits of a North American agreement be on SLCP’s?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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a well-thought one-paragraph answer to each question below that it’s based on the book or sources that are attached. 1- What role does transportation play in producing carbon emissions? (Research metrics in San Diego county or local jurisdiction). 2- What does the three-legged stool represent and how does each leg contribute to a strategy for reducing emissions from the transportation sector? Which strategy do you support the most? 3- What are the key elements of the new SANDAG transportation plan? Would this plan lead to sufficient reductions in carbon emissions from the transportation system? 4- Find and share an article on a city mitigating SLCPs. 5- How much emphasis should policymakers and climate activists place on mitigating SLCPs, in comparison to carbon emissions? Why? 6-What would be the benefits of a North American agreement be on SLCP’s? Is it easier or more difficult to craft international agreements on SLCP’s than on Carbon Emissions? 7- What are some of the main challenges in ramping up renewable energy production in the U.S? 8- What are the primary steps needed to attain 100% clean electricity in the U.S. by 2035? Is federal legislation necessary to achieve this goal?
Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3ScJ_FwaZk

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