Which critical approaches would be useful while evaluating this reading selection?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Read Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets.” Discuss a critical approach that could be used to evaluate the selection.
Provide direct examples from the text to support your ideas. Please write a 2 page (minimum) response double spaced, include a cover page, and follow APA format.
Questions to consider:
Which critical approaches would be useful while evaluating this reading selection?
Why is there more than one critical approach that could be used?
What does this say about literature?
Paper Requirements
2 pages (minimum)
Double-spaced, 12 point font, 1-inch margins
APA Format
Please refer to the BA Psychology Reflective Journal Rubric for writing grading criteria shown below.
Learning Outcomes Addressed
MLO 5 – Describe critical approaches to literature. (aligns with CLO 3)
MLO 6 – Explain the writing process as it applies to the study and research of literature. (aligns with CLO 3)
BA Psychology Reflective Journal Rubric
BA Psychology Reflective Journal Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of reflection
5 pts
Demonstrates a conscious and thorough understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter of the entry. This reflection can be used as an example for other students.
4 pts
Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter of the entry.
3 pts
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the writing prompt and the subject matter of the entry.
2 pts
Demonstrates a limited understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter of the entry. The reflection needs revision.
1 pts
Demonstrate little or no understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter for the entry. The reflection needs significant revision.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of textual evidence and historical context
5 pts
Use specific and convincing examples from the texts studied to support claims in the student’s own words, making insightful and applicable connections between texts.
4 pts
Uses relevant examples from the texts studied to support claims in the student’s own words, making applicable connections between texts.
3 pts
Uses examples from the text to support most claims in the student’s own words with some connections made between texts.
2 pts
Uses incomplete or vaguely developed examples to only partially support claims with no connections made between texts.
1 pts
No examples from the text are used and claims made in the student’s own words are unsupported and irrelevant to the topic at hand.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage use
5 pts
Uses stylistically sophisticated language that is precise and engaging. Entry demonstrates notable sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose, and varied sentence structure.
4 pts
Uses language that is fluent and original. Entry demonstrates evident a sense of voice, awareness of audience and purpose, and the ability to vary sentence structure.
3 pts
Uses basic but appropriate language. Entry demonstrates a basic sense of voice, some awareness of audience and purpose and some attempt to vary sentence structure.
2 pts
Uses language that is vague or imprecise for the audience or purpose. Entry demonstrates little sense of voice, and a limited awareness of how to vary sentence structure.
1 pts
Uses language that is unsuitable for the audience and purpose. Entry demonstrates little or no awareness of sentence structure.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescriiption of criterion
5 pts
Demonstrates control of grammar conventions with essentially no errors. Entry employs sophisticated language.
4 pts
Demonstrate control of grammar conventions. Entry has occasional errors when using sophisticated language.
3 pts
Demonstrates only partial control of grammar conventions. Entry has occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension.
2 pts
Demonstrates limited control of grammar conventions. Entry has frequent errors that make comprehension difficult. The reflection needs revision.
1 pts
Demonstrates little or no control of the conventions. Errors in entry make comprehension almost impossible. The reflection needs significant revision.
5 pts
Total Points: 20

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