Which of the core developmental themes in psychology are reflected in the selected program?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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For Milestone Three, you will submit a draft of your sociocultural evaluation (Section IV of your final project) and a draft of your program evaluation (Section V of your final project), including all critical elements as listed below.
The draft of your sociocultural evaluation (Section IV) requires you to examine the selected program’s ability to be utilized across a diverse population. This should include an examination of the original population utilized to develop the program. This submission should include any additional research you’ve conducted to demonstrate or support the program’s effectiveness with diverse populations, and a general analysis of any strengths and weaknesses across the program’s foundational theory as it pertains to sociocultural effectiveness.
In the draft of your program evaluation (Section V), you will evaluate the program you selected in Milestone Two in four critical areas: core developmental psychology themes; use of contemporary theories of development; impact of sociocultural influences on the communities and organizations using the program; and the program’s ability to address typical or atypical development in children and adolescents across the physical, cognitive, and affective and social domains. In this section, you will also consider program effectiveness in regard to prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies based on the type of program, as well as contributions the program makes to future research and treatment.
Please keep in mind that Milestone Three will function as a rough draft for these sections of your final project. The goal is to collect information, present your findings, and receive feedback on how to improve each section for your final submission.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed in your milestone submission:
IV. Sociocultural Evaluation: Critique current assessment and intervention strategies utilized by the selected program for their applicability across diverse populations for improving clinical sensitivity to the individual client context.
A. Identify i.
ii. iii.
B. Analyze i.
ii. iii.
the population that was originally utilized for program development in terms of cultural, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic indicators. Was the program developed to address a specific population or group with respect to cultural, ethnic, gender, and/or socioeconomic
In what geographic regions has the program been deployed and studied for data collection? What impact might the process of regional and sociocultural population have on the program?
the effectiveness of assessment and intervention strategies across different cultural or ethnic groups.
What methods were utilized to examine the effectiveness of assessment or intervention strategies across different cultural or ethnic
What strengths of the selected program are apparent regarding the effectiveness to provide assessment and intervention strategies
across sociocultural groups?
What limitations or concerns of the selected program are apparent regarding the effective provision of assessment and intervention
strategies across sociocultural groups?
V. Program Evaluation
A. Analyze the selected program with regard to the core developmental psychology themes (nature vs. nurture, continuity vs. discontinuity, and
stability vs. change).
i. Which of the core developmental themes in psychology are reflected in the selected program? Explain.
ii. Given the identified core developmental themes reflected in the program, where on the continuum of each would the current program lie and why?
B. Evaluate the selected program for the use of contemporary theories of development for key factors that impact child and adolescent development with regard to prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies. Be sure to provide justification for your reasoning.
i. ii. iii.
How effectively does the program’s use of prevention, assessment, and/or intervention strategies align with the original theoretical model that you feel was utilized to establish the program?
Discuss the evidence that prevention, assessment, and/or intervention strategies utilized in the selected program may originate from additional or different developmental theories or models.
What alternatives to prevention, assessment, and/or intervention strategies for the selected program would improve alignment with the original developmental theory?
C. Assess the impact of sociocultural influences on the communities and organizations in which developmental psychology is practiced.
i. ii. iii.
What are the impacts of the selected program on the communities and organizations in which it is currently operating?
How does this program contribute to knowledge in the field of developmental psychology?
What are the sociocultural implications of the program with regard to the communities and organizations in which developmental
psychology is practiced?
D. Assess the ability of the selected program to address typical and atypical development in children and adolescents across physical, cognitive,
affective and social domains for informing prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies.
i. If the selected program targeted health promotion (typical development), what determines if it is effective at meeting this goal? What
statistics or measures exist to support it? If not, recommend an approach for assessing the program’s ability.
ii. If the selected program targeted a developmental issue or diagnosis (atypical development), what determines if it is effective at
meeting this goal? Do statistics or measures exist to support it? If not, recommend an approach for assessing the program’s ability.

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