Who appears to be the brand’s current target audience?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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A thorough overview of NordicTrack and a SWOT that provides a strong descriiption of NordicTrack and brand’s position to its competitors. Provide analysis of this situation, not merely a report on information that is in the public domain. Executive Summary, History of NordicTrack, Competitive and Category Landscape.What appears to be the brand’s current strategy for owned, earned and paid media?Who appears to be the brand’s current target audience?What appears to be the brand’s strengths? Weaknesses?How is the brand sold or distributed?What portion of the brand experience and/or buying cycle occurs online?Who are the brand’s primary competitors?How does the brand compare to its competitors?Beyond merely the competition, what type of threat may the brand face in the next 12 months?Attached is case study.

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