Who are the parties and what is their argument and reason for the case and defense?

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Look for the bullet points below and provide these as headers in your post:
1. Facts of the case
2. Who are the parties and what is their argument and reason for the case and defense?
3. What is the law specifically that you are addressing? Define and explain the law
4. Ruling by the court(s)?
5. Why the final court or appellate court made the decision and its reasoning
Who can be found guilty of business crime and what is the key to establishing criminal liability? Using the Internet, research and post an example of a business crime committed in the last two years and all who were held criminally liable. (See the examples of types of business crimes in the chapter reading.)
When it comes to crime and privacy protection in the workplace, do private employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy? What about public employees? Why or why not? What is the test for the tort of invasion of privacy?
If management’s interest is to make sure its employees are productive, can management monitor computers, workstations, phones, et cetera? Why or why not?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Please be sure answers are researched, informed, and substantiated by citing sources used at the bottom of your discussion post. NO CREDIT is awarded for failure to follow this requirement.
Examples of Business Crimes in chapter reading:
Theft and Embezzlement, Obstruction of Justice, Computer Crime, Internet Crime, Spamming, Commercial Bribery, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act

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