Why did most Zoroastrians Flee from Iran to India?

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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 Q1-God’s Name?    A1-
Q2-Founding Prophet’s Name? A2-
Q3-Holiest City?   A3-
Q4-Country of Origin?   A4-
Q5-Why did most Zoroastrians Flee from Iran to India?  A5-
Q6-Zoroastrian Bible’s Name?   A6-
Q7-Avesta Verses’ Name?  A7-
Q8-Good Son of Ahura Mazda & Leader of Angels?    A8-
Q9-Evil Son of Ahura Mazda & Leader of Demons & Boss of Hell?  A9-
Q10-Zoroastrian Motto?   A10-
Q11-To Whom does Ahura Mazda (God) give Free Will?  A11-Everyone:  
Q12-Good Force’s Name?  A12-
Q13-Dark Evil Force’s Name?   A13-
Q14-Where do Human Corpses get taken?  A14-
Q15-Where do Zoroastrians usually Worship?   A15-
Q16-Why don’t Zoroastrians Cremate Human Corpses? A16-
Q17-Which Aspects of Judaism, Christianity, & Islam were probably Inspired by the earlier Beliefs of  

Q18-What are the 6 Amesha Spentas or Virtuous Emanations of Ahura Mazda?

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