Why do OT practitioners spend so much time providing intervention for handwriting?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Look at Table 15.2 on page 377 of the textbook. Why do OT practitioners spend so much time providing intervention for handwriting? What other areas do you think we should give priority?
List three interesting facts that you learned when reviewing child development for neonates and month 1 and note how you would look for these items if you were doing a non-standardized assessment.
Case-Smith’s Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents, 8th edition (2020), by O’Brian and Kuhaneck, Elsevier Publisher. ISBN: 978-0-323-51263-3
Please review child development for months 10 & 11 for all areas of development
only use the text and the video link as resources apa format with proper intext citation

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