Why health inequalities still persist in South Central LA ?

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Topic : Why health inequalities still persist in South Central LA ?
For assignment number one, students need to proofread and revise chapters one through three of their capstone paper, previously drafted in their capstone lab. The draft they turn in to their capstone faculty member should reflect the most up to date and accurate version of their capstone project concept, including the problem/opportunity they wish to address, both theoretical and practical literature related to that issue, and their action plan for how they will address that problem/opportunity in their own context.
This assignment MUST be created on the capstone template and submitted as a WORD document (not a PDF). Students will submit the entire template for each assignment in the course (including the sections that are not yet completed). Each assignment submitted MUST include the track changes and instructor comments from the previous versions. Maintain all track change edits and comments throughout the capstone course until the last assignment where the “cleaned up” version will be submitted.

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