Posted: February 16th, 2022
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Respond to the following short answer questions in Chapter 8 from Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett textbook IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics:
D6.8.1 Why would we graph scatterplots and regression lines?
D6.8.2 In Output 8.2, (a) What do the correlation coefficients tell us? (b) What is r2 for the Pearson correlation? What does it mean? (c) Compare the Pearson and Spearman correlations on both correlation size and significance level; (d) When should you use which type in this case?
D6.8.5 In Output 8.5, what do the standardized regression weights or coefficients tell you about the ability of the predictors to predict the dependent variable?
The answers must demonstrate course-related knowledge and support their assertions with scholarly citations in the latest APA format. Minimum word count for all short answers cumulatively is 200 words.
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