Write 2-3 pages explaining the processes involved with downsizing.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Review the book’s case: Newell’s Decision to Downsize: An Ethical Dilemma (pp. 675-676).

Answer each question (1-4) and write 2-3 pages explaining the processes involved with downsizing. Share the pros and cons of this approach to staff management. Share your thoughts on the ethics of downsizing. Support with facts.

Note: Your Writing Assignment – Case Study paper MUST be written per APA Manual 7th edition to include:
In text citations (narrative and parenthetical source citations)
References list
Paper formatting to include paper section headings (use Level 1 headings and possibly Level 2 headings – you will NOT need to use Level 3 headings), title/cover page, page headings (all that is needed is the page number in the top right-hand corner – within the page header), etc. Refer to pp. 61-67 in the APA Manual for examples of Student Paper pages for help on how to format correctly.
Evidence of thorough proofreading/free of errors.

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