Write 2 paragraphs describing Missouri crisis affected history-Facts

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Senior Bachelor history course Only use the chapter I provide. Chapt 9.2 Write 2 paragraphs describing Missouri crisis affected history-Facts (Paragraph #1 – why, where, when, how and what) your Analysis (Paragraph #2 – identity and significance). Please be sure your answer has two separate (but fairly equal in length) paragraphs – one for facts and one for analysis. I would encourage you to include the words “identity” and “significance” in the second paragraph. I will upload an example. Only use the chapter I upload for you. YOU MUST PROVIDE CITATIONS WITH YOUR ANSWERS (all material referenced – even if you are not quoting – needs cited). Please use parenthetical citations – Example – (Boster, et al., 5.2). No quotes

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