Write a 6-8 page first draft of your paper

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Step 4: Formulate a thesis statement and an outline for your paper. For information on creating a thesis statement, see website
Step 5: Write a 6-8 page first draft of your paper, including the following:
Title page: Provide the title of the paper, your name, and the course and section
Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to psychosocial well-being and aging, and present a focused thesis statement
Body: Identify and develop each main point in an organized, clear manner, using in-text citations. Discuss possible solutions to the issue.
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points.
Reference list
Create a paper outline using the following format:
Research Paper Title
Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to psychosocial well-being and aging, and present a focused thesis statement. For more information, see website
Body: List the main points and articles you will use to support your point as follows:
Point #1: Point… article to be cited
Point #2:
Point #3:
(You can make as many points as you prefer)
III. Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points. For more information, see website

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