Write a brief analysis in the Excel worksheet of the main trends that you notice.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Complete the common-size and common-base year financial statements [Income Statement (IS) and Balance Sheet (BS)] or Brady Corp. in Excel in the M2_Project_Excel file I provided. Be sure to include spark lines to easily show the trends. (25 pts) Write a brief analysis in the Excel worksheet of the main trends that you notice. (25 pts)
See Assigned Readings / Videos “Related to common-size and common-base year financial statements for Project” for videos on using Excel for complete these statements.
See Assigned Readings / Videos “Related to Excel Basics for Project” for videos on creating sparklines in Excel and how to reference other excel sheets when computing ratios.
Perform the 3 step DuPont Return on Equity (ROE) analysis for Brady Corp. using cell references. (25 pts) Write a brief analysis (50-100 words) of what you learn from the DuPont analysis on your Excel worksheet. (25 pts)
For a good example see assigned Readings / Videos “Related to DuPont Return on Equity (ROE) for Project”.
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