Write a coherent essay that answers the following analytical questions for each Federalist Paper

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Once you locate the appropriate Federalist Papers, I suggest you do the following to prepare yourself to answer the critical reading rubric questions:
Print it out
Read each Federalist Paper separately ( #10, #51, #69) at least 4 times, take notes as you read each Federalist Paper
Use your reading notes of the Federalist Papers to answer the questions of the rubrics.
And finally, write a unique essay that analyzes together the 3 Federalist Papers.
Here are the rubrics for the assignment of the critical reading of the Federalist Papers
Write a coherent essay that answers the following analytical questions for each Federalist Paper (#10, #51, #69)
Who is the author of the Federalist Paper?
What main issue(s) the author is addressing?
What central argument the author is making(i.e, what is (are) the solutions that the author is proposing)?
When and Why was each Federalist Paper written?
How does this argument (or central idea) apply in today’s American politics?
The total length of the assignment (the critical analysis of all three Federalist Papers) is at least 3 at most 5 pages, font 12, double-spaced). Please, please, please, you MUST AVOID PLAGIARISM at all cost !!! TURNITIN will catch it . Here is the link to the federalist papers. https://guides.loc.gov/federalist-papers/full-text
Use (#10,#51,#69)

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