Write a model job descriiption and job specification for your position.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please read the case in Chapter 6: (attached)
There are two pieces to the assignment (as described in the text):
• First describe the process and methods you would use to gather data to prepare the job descriiption (based on readings in the chapter)
• Second, write a model job descriiption and job specification for your position.

Experiential exercise 3
You are the student in a Master of Health Administration program and have recently started your internship in a large, urban health system. Your preceptor has asked you to write a job descriiption for your position, which is titled Student Intern in health services administration, Review the job analysis data sources and date collection method in this chapter. During your review, indicate the process and methods you will use to gather data. After completing those processes, write a model job descriiption and job specification for your position.

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