Write a one-page summary of the article that discussed the following points

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Take a close look at Chapters 7 and 8 in your text. Pick one theory or model that is typically used in interventions (Chapter 7), and then I would like you to find 1 journal article that discusses how the theory or model was used to plan a program. Write a one-page summary of the article that discussed the following points: (5 points or no point)
1. What is the health issue that is the focus of the intervention? And what theory/model was used?
2. What theory/model was utilized?
3. How did they use the theory/model?
4. What were the goals/objectives of the program?
5. How successful was the intervention?
6. APA citation within the text and as a separate reference list–appropriate article
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